
  1. We watched movies.  The kids watched the second half of Jurassic Park with us. I can’t figure out if that was a parenting fail since it’s PG-13, but whatever. They liked it. Except Jackson hid under the blanket whenever the T-rex was on the screen. I kind of don’t blame him. T-rex is scary as fuck. 
  2. We ate SO MUCH FOOD and it was delightful. 
  3. We went to Citygarden to play in the fountains.
  4. These kids and their Minecraft shit. They play it constantly. I don’t get it. I’m pretty sure that means I’m old. 
  5. The bf walked to Urban Chestnut to fill the growler with Fantasyland. ❤
  6. There were fireworks galore. My neighbors are very into fireworks. In fact, the fireworks show on our street was better than what we later saw in Forest Park. Next year I’m just going to sit on the back porch and skip the park.